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Benchmarking Aligners

1 minute read


Short-read aligners make up the core of modern bioinformatics program technologies. The aligners are responsible for mapping (rather than aligning) short reads (typically produced by Illumina sequencers) to their most likely originating loci with gapped and ungapped, genomic and transcriptomic methods. For lists of both aligners and short-read mappers and their pros/cons, see the Wikipedia article.

Youth Falls In Night

less than 1 minute read


I came to life from two unknown trees, Roots tangled deep in mystery’s seas. Yet arms reached out, so strong, so kind, To plant me anew, a love redesigned.

Roots And Wings

less than 1 minute read


I came to life from two unknown trees, Roots tangled deep in mystery’s seas. Yet arms reached out, so strong, so kind, To plant me anew, a love redesigned.

Ricing In 2024

less than 1 minute read


Customization is essential for maximizing visual appeal and ease of use of the computer system.

Linear Runtimes For Quasimapping And Alignment Free

1 minute read


I want to discuss linear runtimes and what that means in alignment-free methods for bioinformatics and sequence alignments and quasi alignments. First, it is the splitting of the sequences, as they are read, into, let’s say, ‘a’ De Bruijn graph. This graph consists of the k-mers, their neighborhoods, and of course the walks or paths through the graph that constitute optimal criteria and local maxima of course for traversal and contig/walk/path maximization. Typically, a search through the De Bruijn structure may be Breadth-First to find optimal depths for traversal of the path through the De Bruijn structure, optimizing for creating some sequence. This leads to read collapse along the sequence unidirectionally (bidirectionally in a unidimensional space) along the sequence space.




Basic Python 2

16 minute read


Skip the description, let’s get to the code!